
Two Additions

An American Addition and a British Addition

The first addition is rather special.

This American miniature portrait on ivory dating from 1820 is special on several counts.

Firstly, it was painted by an early 19C female artist in the United States, at a time when female artists were very much in the minority.

Secondly it is clearly identified as a self portrait.

In the United States, the Goodridge sisters are the only other pre 1880 female miniature painters I am aware of, who have recorded examples of self-portraits.

And thirdly, it has now been reunited with another self portrait by the same artist which was acquired five years ago and can be seen in the combined image.

This seems an amazing coincidence, but the similarities can be clearly seen and both portraits carry full inscriptions.

The second self portrait, dating from 1838, even contains a sachet the artist has included of her hair, which must be almost unique.

I have commented elsewhere that self-portraits are to me, one of the most interesting types of miniature portraits, as they give a view into the character of the artist.

As one can imagine, it was quite an exciting moment to reunite the two self portraits, which were painted about 18 years apart.

The artist and sitter is Meriva Carpenter (28 April 1802 - 24 July, 1887).

More about the two portraits, including the inscriptions, can be seen at Carpenter, Meriva - portrait of self and at Carpenter, Meriva - portrait of self where there are also miniature portrait images of her parents

The second miniature portrait is of an unknown British lady by M Bryant, an apparently unrecorded, but talented artist. The rear of the frame is dated March 1908.

More about the portrait can be seen at Bryant, M - portrait of a lady

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