
October - A Spanish miniature portrait collection

This is just a brief note to welcome a Spanish miniature portrait collector, who has decided to display a collection on the Internet.

The site does not currently have an English translation, but the message from the owner reads; "Te envio mi página WEB, donde escribo un artículo sobre uno de nuestros miniaturistas españoles. Lo escribo en lengua catalana, una de las lenguas oficiales del estado español."

This translates as; "I am sending you my web page, where I have written an article on one of our Spanish miniaturists. It is written in the Catalan language, one of the official languages of the Spanish state."

The website is only just starting up, but progress can be seen at or via the permanent Gallery Link Una colección española which I have included on this page and my home page.

The first item is about the Catalan artist: Luís Vermell, painter of portraits in miniature

As an experiment, I have linked this item via a special Automatic translator which gives an idea of the content. To get the translation, you need to chose Catalan-English in the top box, general in the middle, and copy and paste the URL, into the bottom box.

Even so, it is hard to get a clear translation into English from Catalan on the Internet without human intervention, but a reasonable idea of the content can be obtained by using this free automatic Catalan-English language translation service on the Internet. Thus those visitors wishing to translate the descriptions from Catalan into English should use Automatic translator

As most people know other automatic translations can be made by copying and pasting to a site such as Yahoo! Babel Fish - Text Translation and Web Page Translation

Thus, if desired, the BabelFish website can be used to translate my website into other languages.

I had been hoping that other collectors would display their collections, so that we can link them together and provide a better and better resource. Thus this new collection is very welcome and even more collections will be welcomed.

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